We specialise
in transacting
challenging risks.

We offer
Unique insurance and reinsurance expertise
Cogent offers insurance and reinsurance risk placing expertise and transactional knowledge through direct, wholesale, and delegated-authority channels with a full post-placement claims notification and collection services. Our Clients are insurance professionals in the transaction chain between the assured and the risk carrier.
Our broad
Accident & Health
As a team our core offering centres around Accident and Health Insurance. – Our focus tends to be on risks that are hard to place locally, such as oil rig workers, professional sports teams, pilots and air crew, high earners, ship/yacht crew, NGOs, landmine clearance operations, security personnel, and engineers in hazardous territories worldwide.
We handle all elements of Accident and Health Insurance, such as Contingency and Life Insurance. Although Contingency Insurance is primarily for the sports, leisure, film, and entertainment industries, our Markets have original and flexible solutions for many kinds of diverse and esoteric risks. Life insurance can cover death by natural causes or death from any cause.
Casualty, Specialty & Financial Lines
General Non-Marine Liability, Medical Liability including clinical trials, Product Liability and Medical Malpractice.
Mediatech & Cyber, Directors & Officers Liability, Professional Indemnity and Miscellaneous Errors & Emissions.
Political Risk & Trade Credit
Political risk insurance provides financial protection to investors, financial institutions, and businesses that face the possibility of losing money because of political events. It protects against the possibility that a government will take some action that causes the insured to experience a financial loss.
Our team can structure policies to cover many possibilities, including Expropriatory Acts by the Host Government, Political Violence (for example acts of civil unrest or insurrection), the inability to convert local currency and repatriate, sovereign debt default, and even acts of terrorism and war.
The type of company that might purchase political risk insurance could include, but is not limited to, Multinational Corporations, Exporters, Contractors, Banks, Investment Funds and Infrastructure Developers.
The ability to lock in an insurance policy for many years — up to 15 years in some unique cases, is a key feature of political risk insurance. Many business opportunities require several years to complete, break-even or provide a return on Investment, and political conditions can change dramatically in a short time. If a business knows that it has cover in place on a long term non-cancellable basis, it can proceed with activities that might otherwise have been too risky to pursue.
Political Violence & Terrorism
We can offer bespoke solutions to suit the needs of our Clients. Policies can cover a wide range of perils as follows:
- Sabotage & Terrorism.
- Political Violence / Strikes, Riots, Civil Commotion and Malicious Damage.
- War / Civil War, Insurrection, Revolution or Rebellion, Mutiny and/or Coup d’Etat.
- Business Interruption and Contingent Business Interruption.
- Extensions to these standard coverages include Cartel Violence / Organised Crime, Looting, Denial of Access, Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Radioactive writebacks.
- Event Cancellation following Terrorism or Political Violence.
We have a global Client base and deal with all sizes of accounts ranging from large Government infrastructure and Municipalities to Small commercial risks.
Property & Related Coverage
Our property offering benefits Clients across a wide range of industries, territories, and classes. We focus on putting our Clients’ needs first to ensure that we deliver a high-quality, personalised service. Our expertise is not only in our understanding of technical risk but also in delivering answers to complex property risk questions.
We specialise in hazardous and complex commercial business, with or without a catastrophic risk profile.
We have vast experience in the placement of multi-layered insurance programs, accessing capacity from a variety of global insurance Markets both within and outside of the London Market. We can help Clients achieve results on any occupancy including: pulp and paper, food production, abattoirs, metals smelting and processing, chemical manufacture, explosives and ammunition manufacture, petrochemicals, industrial laundrettes, tire manufacture, recycling, warehousing and cold storage, as well as catastrophe-exposed real estate and hotels.
Specialty Delegated Authorities
We specialise in facilitating, delivering and managing programmes for MGAs and Coverholders on a cross-class basis. We have a proven track record in successfully introducing and executing hard-to-place business with Lloyd’s of London for our Clients.
By closely partnering with specialist MGAs and coverholder’s and utilising our longstanding relationships with not only Lloyd’s but specialist global Markets we offer our Clients a beneficial partnership to their business that allows them to maximise their offering, backed by flexible A-rated security.